September news.


Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 15th of September and Chairman Roger welcomed the members, particularly new member Ted Harrison and also the speaker for the morning, Helen Tenwolde from Alderley Edge. He presented Ted with his lapel badge and information folder and Ted gave the members some information on his background and his business life and experience. The members made him very welcome.


Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 15th of September and Chairman Roger welcomed the members, particularly new member Ted Harrison and also the speaker for the morning, Helen Tenwolde from Alderley Edge. He presented Ted with his lapel badge and information folder and Ted gave the members some information on his background and his business life and experience. The members made him very welcome.

Final details were now available for the trip to the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester and Don Newling was also able to give more information on the price and the arrangements for the trip to Holland in 2015.

Don also gave out a reminder about the three trips being organised by Ladies Probus Two, the first one being a day out in York on the 28th of October, the second being to visit a performance of La Traviata at the Regent Theatre in Hanley on the 9th of December and the third is a planned day out at Ascot Ladies Day, taking place between the 17th and the 19th of June 2015.

Chairman Roger reported that the boules morning at the Queen’s in Mossley had gone well with a good attendance and much enjoyment, and there was some discussion about doing it again later in the year.

Brian informed the members that the annual game of golf was now fully organised for the 14th of October and encouraged any members who were unable to join in the game but would enjoy meeting for lunch at Astbury Golf Club on the day to please let him know and Paul confirmed the date of the next meeting of the dining group for the 27th of October.

Don Newling gave his usual entertaining report about the improving standard of play at the Tuesday morning snooker group and appealed for more members to go along if they could find the time to join in the fun. Don also gave out information about the Congleton Arts Festival on the 26th, 27th and 28th of September and invited members to go along if they could.

Helen Tenwolde gave a most interesting talk on hearing problems, the causes, the effects and the possible assistance that was now available. The members showed a keen interest in the subject, many questions were asked, much information was obtained and Dennis Phillips expressed the member’s thanks.