Congleton Dane Probus Club held their Annual General Meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 17th of November and Chairman Roger was pleased to welcome thirty one members to the meeting. Gordon Watkin was then able to propose Grant Bremner for membership of the Club, Don Cole seconded the proposal and the application was unanimously approved.
Congleton Dane Probus Club held their Annual General Meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 17th of November and Chairman Roger was pleased to welcome thirty one members to the meeting. Gordon Watkin was then able to propose Grant Bremner for membership of the Club, Don Cole seconded the proposal and the application was unanimously approved.
Brian Cook submitted the annual accounts for approval and these were unanimously accepted, the Club having a healthy financial reserve and the membership subscription was left unchanged for the fourth year in succession. Alan Topliss was thanked for his assistance as club auditor and was requested to continue for a further year, this being confirmed.
Chairman Roger, who was completing his second year in the chair, thanked the members for their encouragement and support during his time in office, paying particular attention to those who has organised social events during the year. He also thanked the members of the committee, mentioning Gordon Watkin in particular for all the work that he had put in over the years organising the Club lunches. This was heartily endorsed by the members as was his tribute to Don Newling for his work with the snooker club.
Roger then proposed Don Newling to be the new Chairman, this was seconded by David Dickinson, unanimously approved by the members and Don was duly presented with his chain of office and installed as the new chairman.
Don Newling then proposed Don Cole as the vice chairman, the current office holders to stay on the committee and also Denny Stevens, Vaidy Iyer and Mervin White to be elected as new committee members. All the proposals were duly seconded and approved by the members. He asked Doug Mackenzie if he would serve as lunch organiser and Doug kindly accepted the role.
Don proposed that the Christmas lunch should follow the now traditional arrangement of taking place in the meeting room at the Lion and Swan and this was agreed by a show of hands.
Doug then went on the give out some details about the spring lunch, this to take place at the Swettenham Arms on Thursday the 5th of March with a Welsh flavour.
Don then closed the meeting and Roger organised a very successful Christmas quiz, many members staying for lunch afterwards in the normal manner.
The speaker at the December meeting will be Keith Vigur. The title is ‘Mystery Shopping’, he is one of an army of people who report on the efficiency of business and will give an amusing anecdotal presentation.