March 2025 news

The invited speaker at our meeting on Monday, 10th March will be David Tolliday presenting the stories behind a selection of wildlife photographs in a range of habitats including a local Cheshire Farm, by the roadside and on nature reserves. His images will include mainly birds, but also flowers, mammals and insects.

David has been a volunteer for the RSPB for over 38 years and has received their President’s Award.  He is also involved with the East Cheshire Barn Owl Group, Swifts Over Macclesfield, Macclesfield RSPB Wildlife Explorers Group and the Cheshire branch of Butterfly Conservation, and undertakes surveys of local wildlife.

Anyone wishing to come along to the meeting as a guest can contact the club through the Contact Page of this web site, or if preferred they can ring 07717 375505 to speak to a current member.