October 2016 news

Congleton Dane Probus Club held their annual general meeting at the Lion & Swan Hotel on Monday 17th October 2016. Chairman Don Cole welcomed members.

July 2016 news

Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at Lion & Swan Hotel on Monday 18th July 2016. Chairman Don Cole welcomed members, Paul Fagan, a guest and speaker of the day Derek Poulson. Paul Hibbert, vice chairman and events co-ordinator asked organisers of events to update members. Next “chatty lunch” at Brownlow Inn will be on Monday 1st August and some members from Congleton Probus Club join our group on an informal basis. Golf match with Congleton Probus Club will take place Astbury Golf Club in October.

June 2016 news

Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at Lion & Swan Hotel on Monday 20th June 2016. Chairman Don Cole welcomed members and the speaker of the day Philip Austin. New member Richard Gowing was welcomed to the meeting and as is the custom he gave us all an insight into his background and business experience. At that stage he was presented with the “welcome pack” and our membership list.

April/May 2016 news

Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at the Lion &Swan hotel on Monday16th May 2016.  Chairman Don Cole welcomed the members. Trevor Adams thanked members for their participation on the trip to RAF Museum in Cosford.  Everyone enjoyed the guided tour and with two members who had served in the RAF, interesting experiences were shared.  The next trip planned is a multi-day trip to Bletchley Park and a National Trust property in Hughenden.  Don Cole, the organiser for the trip is pleased with numbers confirmed so far.

March 2016 news

Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at Lion & Swan Hotel on Monday 21st March 2016. Chairman Don Cole welcomed the members, Richard Gowling, a guest and the speaker. David Heard who organised a visit to JCB thanked members who went on the trip. Members and guests enjoyed a well organised factory tour followed by an excellent lunch.

Next trip is a visit to RAF museum in Cosford organised by Trevor Adams in April. A multi-day trip is planned for July to Bletchley Park and a visit to National Trust property at Hughenden.

February 2016 news

Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at Lion & Swan Hotel on Monday 15th February 2016. Chairman Don Cole welcomed the members and the speaker Peter Turner. Number of visits being organised during coming months were reported. First of such visit is to JCB and the organiser David Heard updated on arrangements. The visit will take place on Thursday 3rd March. Social Lunch Group which meets  at “ Brown Low” reported a good turn out on Monday 8th February.

January 2016 news

Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at Lion & Swan Hotel on Monday 18th January 2016. Chairman Don Cole welcomed members.

November 2015 news

Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday 16th November 2015 when Chairman Donald Cole opened the meeting by welcoming the members, a visitor and the speaker George Nolan.

October 2015 news.

Congleton Dane Probus Club held their Annual General Meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 19th of October and chairman Don Newling welcomed the members to this his last meeting.

September 2015 news.


Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 21st of September and Chairman Don Newling opened the meeting by welcoming the members and the speaker for the day George Pilkington.