August 2015 news.


Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 17th of August and Chairman Don Newling opened the meeting by welcoming the members and the speaker David Hargreaves.

July 2015 news.


Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 20th of July and Chairman Don Newling opened the meeting by welcoming the members and the speaker Ray Perry from the Rudyard Lake Trust.

June news.

Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 15th of June and Vice Chairman Don Cole opened the meeting by welcoming the members and the speaker John Doughty.

May news.


Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 18th of May and Chairman Don Newling opened the meeting by welcoming the members and the speaker for the day John Hooley.

April News.

Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 20th of April and Chairman Don Newling opened the meeting by welcoming the members, new member Philip Roberts and the speaker for the day Susan Leicester.

Don Newling presented Philip Roberts with his lapel badge and membership pack, Philip then giving the members a brief outline of his background and experience during his business career. The members made him very welcome.

March news.

Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 16th of March and Chairman Don Newling opened the meeting by welcoming the members, new member John Whitehurst and the speaker for the day Karen Jones. The members stood in silence in memory of Geoff Parry who had recently passed away.

February news.


Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 16th of February. Chairman Don Newling welcomed the members and also gave a special welcome to the three guests, David Haslam, Philip Roberts and Keith Jones. He thanked Peter Turner for coming along to give the talk on the day, this being Peter’s fourth visit to the Club.

January news.

Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 19th of January and Chairman Don Newling was pleased to welcome new member Grant Bremner and also guest John Whitehurst. Don explained the reason for the meeting having been called earlier than usual and thanked the members for helping out by making themselves available.

December news.

Congleton Dane Probus Club held their pre-Christmas meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 15th of December and Vice Chairman Don Cole was pleased to welcome guest John Whitehurst and speaker Keith Vigurs.

November news.

Congleton Dane Probus Club held their Annual General Meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 17th of November and Chairman Roger was pleased to welcome thirty one members to the meeting. Gordon Watkin was then able to propose Grant Bremner for membership of the Club, Don Cole seconded the proposal and the application was unanimously approved.