November 2019 news

The talk at our next meeting on Monday 18th November is to be given by Professor Dr Peter Roberts on the subject of ‘Global Catastrophes’. Gleefully, it is about eight different global catastrophes that are inevitable. Two will wipe out the whole of life on the planet, some will wipe out humanity but leave residual … Read more

September 2019 news

For our next meeting on Monday, 16th September, we are to be revisited by John Miller. John last spoke to us about his life within the BBC, for whom he worked for nearly 30 years, mostly in TV programme production. This time his talk will be entitled ‘The Show must go on : On the … Read more

August 2019 news

The speaker at our next monthly meeting to be held at The Lion and Swan Hotel on Monday 19th August will be Father Michael E Burgess. His talk is entitled, “The Seven Deadly Sins”. Also known as the Capital Vices, the Seven Traits of Man, or Cardinal Sins, The Seven Deadly Sins is a grouping … Read more

Autumn Lunch

The Autumn Lunch will be held at The Swettenham Arms on Thursday, 10th October 2019.

July 2019 news

Our speaker for next Monday 15th July will be Tony Bostock who will be giving us a presentation on Cheshire Villages. Tony is an experienced lecturer/speaker and he has written books and many articles on various aspects of life in Cheshire. He was a serving officer within the Cheshire Constabulary for over 30 years and … Read more

June 2019 news

Our speaker next Monday 17th June will be Peter Webb who will be giving us an illustrated talk on the Peak District, Rock, Scenery & Mountains. The area will be familiar to many of us but we expect that Peter will enlighten us a lot more due to his in-depth knowledge of the area. If … Read more

Salford Museum and Art Gallery

Owing to Monday closure of the museum, our trip will now take place on Thursday, 13th June 2019. Members, partners and guests are to meet, as before, at Congleton Railway Station by 09.45 (to allow time for purchase of paired tickets) for the 10.10 train, changing at Stockport for Salford Crescent station.

Salford Museum and Art Gallery

The trip to Salford Museum and Art Gallery has been rescheduled for Monday 10th June 2019.  Members, partners and guests are to meet at Congleton Railway Station by 09.45 (to allow time for purchase of paired tickets) for the 10.10 train, changing at Stockport for Salford Crescent station.

April 2019 news

The speaker at our next meeting on Monday 15th April will be Dr Thurai Rahulan FRAeS who will be giving a talk on the iconic A380 Airbus. The A380 is the world’s largest passenger airliner, a wide-body aircraft manufactured by Airbus. Airbus studies started in 1988 and the project was announced in 1990 to challenge … Read more