September 2020 news

Owing to the introduction of a 6 people rule for social gatherings in response to the increasing Covid-19 infection rate, our monthly meeting on September 14th is regrettably cancelled.

July 2020 news

Since The Lion and Swan has been sold and is undergoing redevelopment as a restaurant, future meetings will be held at Congleton Golf Club, Biddulph Road, Congleton CW12 3LZ.  To fit in with their existing commitments, our meetings will take place on the SECOND Monday each month, not the third as previously. Meetings will as … Read more

May 2020 news

In consequence of the continuing risk to everybody’s health from the Covid-19 virus, and following government guidelines regarding closure of leisure facilities and social distancing, the club has extended the cancellation of its meetings to include those in May, June and July. Further news will be posted in due course.  In the meantime, please be … Read more

April 2020 news

In accordance with government guidelines regarding social distancing during the Covid-19 virus outbreak, the club has cancelled its meetings in April and May. Further news will be posted in due course.  In the meantime, please be patient, observe medical advice and keep safe.

March 2020 news

Our speaker at the next meeting on Monday 16th March will be Professor Terry Callaghan giving a talk about his research in the Arctic. The Arctic is changing very quickly because of climate change and globalisation. Increasingly, the two aspects are linked and changes in the Arctic’s environment are accelerating. Climate warming in the Arctic … Read more

February 2020 news

Our speaker for Monday the 17th February is Geoff Higginbottom, who has been performing at Folk Clubs and local hostelries since he was 19 and has travelled far and wide collecting songs and stories along the way. His presentation for Probus takes the form of a musical journey and is a mixture of songs and … Read more

January 2020 news

Owing to the funeral of one of our founding members, which many current members wish to attend, coinciding with the next monthly meeting, that meeting on 20th January is cancelled.

January 2020 news

Owing to the funeral of one of our founding members coinciding with our next monthly meeting, and many current members wishing to attend the funeral, that meeting on 2oth January is cancelled.

December 2019 news

Our speaker on December 16th will be Susan Craig. Her talk, ‘Look Back with Laughter’ is based on her life with her husband Mike, a BBC comedy script writer, and some of the many comedians she entertained in her house. Mike created more than 1,000 television and radio shows, and from 1964 wrote for stars … Read more