November 2021 news

At our next meeting on Monday, 8th November, we will be given a talk by Tony Bostock about the career of Sir George Beeston, captain of the innovative Tudor warship, HMS Dreadnought, during the Spanish Armada of 1588. In addition to discussing this Tudor hero’s rise to fame, Tony will also explore the remarkable legend … Read more

October 2021 news

At the next monthly meeting on Monday, 11th October, our speaker will be Simon Le Frenais, a retired GP, now indulging himself with his family, golf, gardening and travelling.  Simon will be giving a talk entitled “Queen Victoria – who do you think she was?” covering the background to her succession to the throne, and … Read more

September 2021 news

At our next monthly meeting on Monday 13th September, we will be given a talk on Hancock’s Half-hour, by Andrew Rowe, telling of the development of the program from its inception on radio through to its successful transfer to our early TV screens. Andrew lived all his life in Mid-Cheshire, was educated at Sir John … Read more

August 2021 news

The speaker for our meeting next Monday, 9th August, will be Shaun Farrelly and his subject will be Marconi – the Man and his Wireless. Now retired, Shaun worked for the Post Office (Telephones), which eventually became BT and has spent nearly 38 years in the business. Starting as an apprentice he became a maintenance … Read more

July 2021 news

The club is to hold a Covid secure (limited attendance, socially distanced seating, face masks, etc.) meeting at the Congleton Golf Club on Monday 12th July. The speaker for the meeting is Geoff Higginbottom and his subject will be ‘A Musical Journey’. He has been a professional folksinger since 1986 and has travelled to folk … Read more

December 2020 news

Once again, we will not be having a club meeting next month (11th January) due to the Covid -19 situation. We would, however, like to send Season’s Greetings to our members and commiserations at the loss of social contact which is making current life so difficult. Now that we have passed the low point of … Read more

December 2020 news

The monthly meeting scheduled for 14th December has again been cancelled due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions. We are hopeful that the situation will improve early next year so that we can again meet up, and a speakers programme for the year can be published. In the meantime, please be patient, comply with health and … Read more

October 2020 news.

Unfortunately, owing to the continuing Covid-19 epidemic and associated socialising restrictions, our monthly meeting on 9th November is cancelled. Please stay safe everyone.

October 2020 news

Owing to the continuing ‘Rule of 6’ applying to social gatherings during the Covid-19 epidemic, our next monthly meeting (12th October) has again been cancelled. Since this was to be our AGM, it has been decided that the AGM will now take place when we are next able to safely convene a meeting open to … Read more