Dining group.
The Dining Group are due to meet at the Brownlow Inn on Monday the 23rd of February for lunch.
For retired professionals and business people
The Dining Group are due to meet at the Brownlow Inn on Monday the 23rd of February for lunch.
The Dining Group are due to meet at the Brownlow In on Monday the 23rd of February for lunch.
Congleton Dane Probus Club held their pre-Christmas meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 15th of December and Vice Chairman Don Cole was pleased to welcome guest John Whitehurst and speaker Keith Vigurs.
Congleton Dane Probus Club held their Annual General Meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 17th of November and Chairman Roger was pleased to welcome thirty one members to the meeting. Gordon Watkin was then able to propose Grant Bremner for membership of the Club, Don Cole seconded the proposal and the application was unanimously approved.
Trevor Adams on the subject of "Waterloo 200"
George Nolan on the subject of 'The Man in Black'.
AGM and Quiz.
George Pilkington and 'Feeding Wild Birds'.
David Hargreaves on the subject of Astronomy.
Ray Perry giving us the history of Rudyard Lake.