Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 23rd of April and Vice Chairman Trevor Adams and opened the meeting by welcoming the members and Cat Allen, the speaker for the day.
Congleton Dane Probus Club held their monthly meeting at the Lion and Swan on Monday the 23rd of April and Vice Chairman Trevor Adams and opened the meeting by welcoming the members and Cat Allen, the speaker for the day.
The main part of the meeting was taken up with organising and reporting on the proposed social events. Trevor reported that the trip to Woodford was now well advanced and members were requested to ensure that they had chosen their lunch meal for that day plus any outstanding cheques for £9.00 please to be handed in. The trip to Ironbridge on the 30th of August was now looking good with a cost of £30 per head to cover the cost of the coach and the museum entry. Wives/partners are very welcome.
Trevor also mentioned that Ladies Probus are organising a couple of trips, one on the 27th of June to Abbey Wood Gardens (cost £12) and one to Bridgemere Garden Centre and Wollerton Hall on the 13th of July at a cost £19 per person.. If any members and/or their wives are interested in either of these trips can they please contact John Hennam 01260 275312.
Don Newling gave his usual amusing update on the snooker group and reminded members that 10.00 am on Tuesday morning at the Cygnet Snooker Club is the time and the place to be. Don also reported that Ted Miller was not well and still hospitalised but was showing signs of improvement and was hoping to be moved to Macclesfield quite soon now. Harry Moore seemed to well on the way to recovery and the good news was that Len Ford was also showing signs of improvement.
Our speaker for the day was Cat Allen who gave a presentation of ‘Songs from the Stage and Screen’ with much (and very enjoyable) musical accompaniment. The members thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment, applauded every song and Doug MacKenzie thanked Cat on behalf of the members.
The next meeting will be held on Monday the 15th of May.